aqueous part washer
Released on = July 25, 2006, 7:28 am
Press Release Author = Gary Minkin
Industry =
Press Release Summary = Unique patented water based Parts Washer removes tough soils fast in closed cabinet. Oscillating manifold and extreme efficiency pumps in industrial grade machine provide the needed impact force. 34 Models & 104 pre-engineered options allow us to configure a machine for your specific needs. Applications include: diesel and electric motors, transmissions, hydraulics, air and power, cases and housings, turbine parts, brake parts, aircraft wheels, bearings and machinery. Proprietary wastewater processing systems.
Press Release Body = a. The MART Corporation, as a result of its ongoing R&D Program, has recently increased the operating efficiency of its Pumps to boost the performance of each Pump Delivery System. Efficiencies now range from 78% to 86%, when measured at the nozzle tips. This performance represents the actual energy available for soil removal and parts cleaning. It also means that a 55 Horsepower MART Duplex Pump System will deliver more blasting energy than a 75 Horsepower pump on a competing washer that operates at 50% pump efficiency. No washer maker provides the pump efficiencies of the MART. Details can be found at
b. The MART Corporation developed its patented oscillating Power Blast Manifold (PBM) so that blasted solution can reach into and clean all the hidden crevices and blind surfaces of a wash load. Instead of the nozzles hitting each surface from a single angle, as is the case with all other wash machines, the PBM increases the angles to penetrate and remove soil from the deepest recesses of a wash load. Quite simply, in the MART every surface comes clean. Details can be found by clicking here at
c. The product line of The MART Corporation has evolved into the largest washer line in the industry. Power Washers handle loads from 800 pounds to 30 tons. What's more, the entire MART product line is engineered to maximize its benefits: performance, reliability, maintainability, low operating cost, and maximum economic life. Over time MART has invested more than $4 million in new technology which is believed to be a larger investment in parts cleaning technology than all the other washer makers combined. Details can be found at
d. Unlike other washer makers that say they build and sell washing machines, the MART approach to its business is that customers do not want washing machines, they want clean parts. MART is in the business of selling clean parts. The distinction is obvious in the first minutes as a customer discusses his needs with a MART Applications Specialist. Details can be found by clicking here at
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Contact Details = 2450 Adie Road Maryland Heights, MO 63043 E-mail: Tel: 314-567-7222 Fax: 314-567-6551
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